Avnon (Yonstein), Menashe (“Nekse”)

Avnon (Yonstein), Menashe (“Nekse”)

Son of Simcha and Rachel. He was born on March 16, 1941 in Tel Aviv. Until the fifth grade he studied at Bialik Elementary School and later went to Kibbutz Kabri in the Western Galilee, where he completed his elementary and high school studies. He was a member of the Hanoar Haoved movement and worked as a tractor operator. His dedication to work and his responsibility for fulfilling his daily duties toward the family and society were solid principles. He was able to enjoy life, sometimes he was also full of mischief, and the spirit of his joy, which stemmed from his joy of life, gave rise to optimism in the society in which he was. He always trusted the will and the action, and everyone explained that life should be accepted easily but not lightly, but seriously. Two years before he enlisted in the IDF he taught folk dancing, and in November 1958 he was drafted into the IDF. Passed a squad commanders’ course and then a tank commander course Two days before he was called to lend his hand to friends in the Six-Day War, he said: “In our times, no one can distance himself from what is happening in the world, in Israel and in the people. Do not mock what is called politics; Is a part of our lives. “He succeeded in convincing his friends that only war would bring us the solution and that he had no choice but to assure his friends that the coming war would bring peace to us.In the battle at the Qabatiya junction near Jenin, He was buried in the military cemetery in Nahariya and was later taken to the eternal rest of the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, where he was buried in the book “The Men of Steel” by Golan. “Barak” in the brigade’s publication was dedicated to his history and description of the battle, and his memory was placed on the album of the brigade (“Six Days of the Barak Brigade”).

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