Avni, Michael (Mickey)

Avni, Michael (Mickey)

Son of Nava and Zvi. He was born on May 5, 1972 in Haifa. He studied at the Kiryat Motzkin elementary school in Kiryat Motzkin, where he graduated from the ORT high school in Carmiel, where his family moved, and was a sports enthusiast and excelled at tennis. Mickey was drafted into the IDF in July 1990. His active service was postponed so that he could continue to study as part of the technological reserve and he completed his studies at Ort Braude College in Carmiel As a mechanic. At the end of his basic training, he joined the course of the “Non-Destruction” technician and was later assigned to serve at the Ramat David Air Force base. After four months of service, he was placed at Hatzerim Air Force Base and was assigned to a third assistant at the flight school. He impressed his commanders with his professional skills, with the seriousness and dedication with which he fulfilled his duties, and they gave him extensive professional authority. On 28.10.1992 he fell during his service and was brought to rest in the Military Cemetery in Nahariya, leaving behind his parents, brother, sister and sister, Liron, in a letter of condolence sent to the family: “His ability to communicate with each person and bring him I was impressed by the voluntary performance of the tasks … His fingerprint is felt in all corners of the unit … and constantly mentions the magnitude of the loss. “(This page is part of the Yizkor memorial project, which was held by the Ministry of Defense)

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