Avni, Baruch

Avni, Baruch

Ben Ilana and David. Born on the 2nd of Adar Alef 5728 (9.2.1978) in Mazkeret Batya, brother to Michal, Noa and Yonatan Baruch was named after his uncle, his father’s brother, who fell in the Six Day War Baruch was a quiet and charming baby whose small head was adorned with hair When Baruch was about two months old, the family relocated to Moshav Paran in the Arava, and after three years moved to Kibbutz Kfar Blum, where he spent his childhood in the kibbutz. He attended elementary school in Kfar Blum, where he taught himself to read and write during the first grade, At the Emek Hahula school in 1991, the family left the kibbutz and moved to Omer in the south of the country, where Baruch began his high school studies at the Eshel Hanasi school and had to adjust to a different place of residence, a new school and a foreign youth society. However, despite the initial difficulty, he found his place, and he completed his studies in physics and computer physics, and Baruch, a quiet and polite boy, showed great sensitivity and respect for those around him. Was discovered as a student with a high level of learning ability, especially in areas where he found a personal interest. As a young man with a great deal of knowledge in various subjects, he has the ability to express his opinions fluently and in a coherent manner and to enrich any discussion he has taken part in. He was accepted by his friends, who enjoyed his witty sense of humor and a plethora of language and jokes. Baruch was a talented painter whose artistic talent was reflected in the wealth of his work: color paintings, drawings, cartoons, comics, illustrated slogans and more. Another hobby was crossword puzzles, especially logic puzzles, which he loved to solve, but also to connect new ones. Baruch was one of the founders of the school newspaper, “Special,” an activity that he used in a variety of his talents: he served as a writer, illustrator and author of crossword puzzles. Baruch was involved in various fields of sport, including diving and mountaineering. He participated in a mountain climbing and surfing course held at Metzuki Dragot, running and developing physical fitness. Baruch was very involved with his family and was a devoted son and brother, and the four brothers spent much time together, both as children and as adults, in a lot of joint activities with his younger brother Yonatan, In March 1996 Baruch was drafted into the IDF and underwent basic training as part of the engineering corps, where he was trained and trained in the field of aeronautics, . He was accepted to a bomb squad course and passed a symbol course. In the course of his service, he served as a non-commissioned officer in the Lahav Battalion of the “Pillar of Fire” unit in the Southern Command, and was active in the Lebanon area, the Golan Heights and the Eilat area. , Who were always consulted, received an attentive ear and technical explanations, Baruch cultivated his soldiers, and tried to take care of their needs at every hour and every place, to learn about each soldier and to identify his abilities. As a devoted and highly motivated soldier, he aspired to go to an officers’ course and later to try to get in He had plans to continue his career on his release from the service: to travel the world and study the field of computers, in which he showed great interest on Wednesday, October 5, 1919.97) Baruch fell in the line of duty. He was killed in a road accident in the Eilat area during operational activity. He was nineteen when he fell. Survived by his parents, two sisters and a brother. Baruch was laid to rest in the military section of the cemetery in Omer. After his fall he was raised to the rank of sergeant, and his family and friends commemorated him in a booklet published in his booklet: “I had the honor to bring you into the world. I had the honor to raise you, to educate you, to be angry with you and to love you motherly love … to anyone who had the right to know you, to work with you, to leave a part of you. Quietly, shyly, as you are. You left his son a big hole that can not be filled, just remember and save the great love. Baruch, you’re missing me. I’ll grow old and you’ll be 19, forever, beautiful, tall and strong, and that’s how I’ll remember you, with your big smile and your funny laugh. I had the honor of being your mother, here I will always remain the mother of your soul, because you live very much inside me … “

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