Aviv Krodo

Aviv Krodo

Aviv was the only son to Sarah and Shlomo. Aviv was born in Jaffa on the 28th of Adar 5738 (6.4.1978). Aviv was a beautiful and happy child who grew up in a loving environment. A child who respected his parents, his family and his surroundings. He studied at the Hashmonaim Elementary School and continued at Ironi Ziv High School, where he completed his studies in the academic track. His parents say that although he was an only child, Aviv wanted to be a combat soldier, and he urged his parents to sign him until they agreed. He was accepted to the Border Police unit and served there for about a year. Shortly before completing his military service, Aviv married Rosi, his girlfriend from his youth, and after completing his military service he joined the police, which he wanted to do all his life and was accepted to the Lod police. Aviv believed that he could help repair the world and contribute to the maintenance of the law On March 3, 2002, Aviv left for work at 7 in the evening and did not return. That day he was the head of the shift and got a call that a suspicious biker was walking around Lod. He stopped him and asked to see his papers. Everything was normal, but suddenly he saw a gun sticking out from under the biker’s coat. Aviv asked him to open his coat. The biker opened his jacket, pulled out the pistol, and shot four bullets. Aviv was killed on the spot. First Sergeant Aviv fell in the line of duty. He was twenty-four years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Holon. Survived by his pregnant wife, daughter and parents. After his fall, his second child was born.

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