Avitan, Yitzhak

Avitan, Yitzhak

Son of Alice and Mordechai, he was born in Marrakesh, Morocco, on November 12, 1961. When Yitzhak was three years old, the family immigrated to Israel and settled in the town of Ofakim. He studied in Ofakim in the “Darchei Morasha” elementary school, and then went to study at the Mikve Israel agricultural school, where his older brother had studied. During his studies at the Mikvah Israel he worked in the evening in Tel Aviv in order to finance the karate studies he took part in. Yitzhak took great pains to finish his studies successfully, and his teachers were very pleased with him before he left for the army. He studied at the “Amal” Be’er Sheva. in a certificate of appreciation for his good achievements, his class teacher notes: “Your regular participation in classes and activities made us all very happy.” He was very attached to his mother and cared for his brothers and sisters, helped them and tried to succeed in his studies. In 1980 he was assigned to the “Barak” battalion in the Golani Brigade. After completing basic training, he underwent a platoon commander’s course and received the rank of Corporal. Yitzhak was a soldier beloved to his comrades and a devoted commander to his apprentices. He was a “caring” type, and his concern was more in deeds than in words. On the day of 15 Av 5742 (4.8.1982), Yitzhak was hit near Beirut during heavy artillery shelling of the post where he sat, and died of his wounds. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Ofakim. He left behind his parents, brothers and sisters. After his death, a brother was born in the family, and is named Omri-Yitzhak.

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