Avitan, Nissim

Avitan, Nissim

Son of-Linda and Shimon, was born on October 5, 1965, in Rishon Letzion, where Nissim studied at Haviv Elementary School in Rishon Letzion and then at the ORT vocational education center in Yad Tzapira. He was a member of the Maccabi Hatzair youth movement and participated in a soccer department, and Nissim excelled in the field of art, and his paintings were exhibited in an exhibition held by the school, and some of his works in clay and ceramics remained as a souvenir of his talent. , Pigeons in the courtyard of the house and a dog Nissim was drafted into the army on August 6, 1984. He served in the Artillery Corps, serving only a short time, but turned out to be a responsible and dedicated soldier. TRIP (01.11.1984) fell miracles while serving in the Peace for Galilee War. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Rishon Letzion. Nissim left behind his parents and two sisters

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