Avishayof, Moshe

Avishayof, Moshe

Son of Avishai and Eichen. He was born in 1906 in Dushambe, Tajikistan, where he immigrated to Israel by land on animals backs when he joined the Kelanter family, which he spent in his early years in Israel. The United Nations General Assembly resolution of 29 November 1947, on the establishment of a Jewish state in part of Palestine, led the Arabs to attack the Jewish community. Many were killed and wounded by the Arabs. Jerusalem was partially paralyzed. The people of Jerusalem mobilized to guard the positions of the school’s neighborhoods. Moshe remained in the positions of Sanhedria in northern Jerusalem, From older adults with technical knowledge, to be ready to call for the evacuation of rubble caused by heavy mortar shells and Arab cannons, on Thursday, (27.5.1948), the company was called to the corner of Kiah Street and Jaffa Street, to save the wounded who were injured by the shelling. But then more shells fell and Moshe was wounded. He was rushed to a nearby hospital. From that day his journey of agony began. He lay on his deathbed for weeks. When it was clear that the doctors of Jerusalem could not save him, Moshe was transferred to Burma’s military hospital on the way to Burma, where he died on July 17, 1948. Moshe was brought to the military cemetery.

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