Avinoam (Yegens), Gal

Avinoam (Yegens), Gal

Son of Yitzhak and Ora. On his father’s side – sixth generation in Israel. Grandson of Chaim and Esther Jegens, one of the founders of Petah Tikva and Bunia, and of Shekna and Bilha Ahiasaf, the founder and owner of the Ahayasaf publishing house. Born on April 23, 1952 in Jerusalem, lived in Tel Aviv and studied at Bar-Giora Elementary School. He moved to “Yuval” and completed his studies at the Alharizi Elementary School. Until the age of twelve he was a member of the Scouts movement. After graduating from elementary school, he moved to the “New High School” high school and completed his studies there. Yitzhak, Gal’s father, was the commander of the Irgun in Jerusalem during the years 1945-1947, when he attacked the fortresses of the British government, such as the CID, the officers’ club, the Schneller camp, and the King David Hotel. Who fell in battle at the police academy in 1948. At that time, Yitzhak, Etzel commander in Jerusalem, sat in the Kenyan detention camp. In June 1948, the prisoners were returned from Kenya, including Yitzhak Avinoam. Two years later he married a wife and when his eldest son was born, his name was called Gal in Israel, after the fallen operations officer. At the age of sixteen, he was the chairman of the Tel Aviv Central Council of Students, the first to fill this role at such a young age, and was active in the “Youth for Youth” organization, giving private lessons and business He was a talented, smiling and active member of every society in which he found himself and played key roles, without patronizing his friends or arousing any interest in his work. In the hearts of his acquaintances he envied him, and since he began high school, he had stood out in the classroom, excelling in his studies and knowledge He did not become a “book worm.” His interests and activities were very broad, and he managed to turn the student council, which he headed, into active and enterprising, and initiated many activities and events that took place within the school. Students would turn to him with the little issues and concerns that normally arise in the students, and he would like everything, and his personality would have a calming effect on everyone around him. The school principal wrote on the list after his fall that Gal’s connections to the institution did not stop at the end of his studies and with the last matriculation exams. Gal was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of August 1970, and the principal of the school notes that there was not one vacation in which he did not “jump” to the school to grab a conversation: “He saw the building, with everything around it. “His sixth grade teacher wrote in her list after they fell, about her meetings with him at school or near the bus to Ramat Aviv. Gal was my friend and just as I was interested in his actions and plans he was interested in my actions and my feelings. Our political views were different and even contradictory, but it seems to me that we felt an identity with basic values ​​of life in terms of responsibility, friendship and human obligations to others. “During his military service he began organizing youth to establish a settlement point in the Sinai, To his commanders in the army for improvements in the fields of culture, morale, and education, while he was serving in the Gaza Strip, the man who was in the Gaza Strip was discovered.That was the base of the soldier in the Gaza Strip, an abandoned old Arab house in the Lev of a shaky refugee camp, where the soldier was exposed in all directions Faced a personal and perhaps human test – and GalThe question was: how to act? It was known that the terrorists used small children to throw a grenade – and the grenade was used to kill a soul, and Gal would ask himself: Is it permissible for an Israeli soldier to kill a child? This is a supreme test for all human values ​​in it. He perfectly embodied all human goodness: innocent people should not be harmed. Do not shoot anyone who happened to happen to the place! Just look for the culprits! “We are not here to try to build a new life with the Arabs, they are not enemies, only the terrorists are our enemies, the population is ours and we will have to live with them all these years.” Humiliate them! Do not dissuade yourselves! ” He followed his scale of values. He believed in things, and once even attacked the platoon commander with a scolding and demanded to look carefully, but not to break or destroy, he hated every form of easy seduction, and gripped his weapon with pain, and his entire being said: “Do not shoot, There is a child there in the company of people. And I see women and old people too. “It was not always understood and was not always agreed, there were arguments and attempts to convince him that preserving the life of the Israeli soldier was no less important than guarding the lives of others. He obeyed all his listeners from his great spirit, from the spirit of the whole man, and in the days of his service he attained the rank of corporal and was about to leave for an officer’s course. On December 17, 1971, a wave of fighting erupted in the pursuit of terrorists in Gaza. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. His memory was included in the journal of the new high school students (“Yuval”); In “The Days and Nights” of Ma’ariv was printed a month later, a list fell in his memory: “Portrait of a Young Soldier”.

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