Avigdor, Gad

Avigdor, Gad

Son of Nehama and Gedaliah. He was born in 1890 in Berdichev, Russia, and at the age of 15 he immigrated to Eretz Israel with the first aliyah of the Second Aliyah, where he studied architecture with Alexander Seid and other pioneers. “Bezalel” The group of students then responded to Schatz’s call to come and study the work of stone stonecutters in Jerusalem, joined by other friends and together they formed a commune, considered the first in the Land of Israel. And helped establish a branch of the Po’aley Zion party in Jerusalem and the founding of the building workers’ organization in the city In 1907, several members of the commune moved to Moshav Sejera, where they established the “Hashomer” organization, and shortly thereafter Gad joined them as well, and since then he had worked in the organization as a brave and brave guard. , Continued to fight against robbers and robbers of property, was one of the first to be sent to Mishmia, guarded in the fields of Beit Vegan and Yavne’el, and was severely wounded while guarding the streets. Was among the conquerors of al-Zubayh, near the Kaduri school of the day, and went with the Hashomer group to the land of Merhavia. In 1916 he joined the group of Israel Giladi from Tel Adashim, which headed to the Upper Galilee to establish the Kibbutz Kfar Giladi – the first settlement point of the Hashomer organization. In 1920 Gad left the kibbutz and settled with his family in the small settlement of Mitzpe, near Tiberias. There, with the help of his wife and children, he maintained a modest agricultural farm and was well integrated into the life of the Yishuv. Due to constant harassment of the settlement by Arabs, Gad was asked to organize the guard duty in the area and over time he was chosen as the village mukhtar. The harassment of the observatory and its residents will be frequent, including thefts of cattle and sheep, and damage to life. On August 11, 1936, Arab rioters attacked the settlement with great force. Gad was on guard duty in the Haganah excavations and returned fire to the assailants. A bullet of bullets hit his forehead, and he died and kissed his hand. He left a wife and four children. He was laid to rest at the Hashomer cemetery in Tel Hai.

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