Avidav, Gideon

Avidav, Gideon

Gideon, son of Hannah and Dov, was born on 28.6.1952 in Nahalal, where he studied at the elementary school and the Hannah Meisel High School. In his studies he excelled mainly in the real professions, and graduated with high grades. He was very attached to the family and from his childhood he worked in the farm at leisure. In the Six Day War, when he was 15, Gideon carried the burden of the agriculture on his shoulders. While he was working in the farmyard, an enemy plane passed through the skies of Nahalal and dropped bombs, one of which hit near the place where Gideon worked, shrapnel and dust covered it, but Gideon miraculously survived. Gideon loved animals. With his money he bought a horse, specialized in riding and jerking while riding his mare, and won trophies in this sport. He took part in the activities of the youth movement of the Moshavim movement and took part in the activities of the Gadna – Air, but his greatest love was Eretz Israel, its sites and landscapes, and with his friends he “plowed” the country along its length and breadth. Gideon grew up in the army in mid-August 1970 and volunteered to serve in an elite unit. After a training and service period in the unit, he had the reputation of an excellent explorer. During his military service, he completed many courses: in the course of scouts, in the sabotage course, in a paratroop course, and in an officer’s course, in which he received high grades in all subjects and was considered one of the best people. He volunteered for permanent service for a long period of time, and Gideon distributed his short vacations between the home, the family, and the agriculture, and trips around the country. For the succot holiday, he planned a trip to Sharm el-Sheikh with his girlfriend. But on the eve of Yom Kippur, he phoned home and announced that he would not come on holiday, “because there are those who are worried about disrupting the plans.” On the 9th of Tishrei 5734 (October 9, 1973) Gideon was hit and killed when he attacked the command of the Syrian commando unit on the Golan Heights, not far from the camp. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Nahalal. Survived by his parents, two brothers and a sister. After his fall, he was promoted to captain. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Gidon was one of the best commanders in the elite unit, and he was one of the best in the entire unit, and Gideon was a partner in carrying out a number of special operations.

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