Aviani, Boaz

Aviani, Boaz

Son of Shulamit and Sa’adia, was born in 1928 in Aden. He immigrated to Israel with his parents in 1934 and lived in Tel Aviv. Boaz attended elementary school and then began working in a printing press. When he was 15, he volunteered for the service in Notarot, where he spent a year and a half. During World War II, Boaz volunteered for Jewish Brigadeits ranks, served in the Infantry and then in the Artillery Corps and was promoted to sergeant. He participated in the campaign of conquest across Italy, Austria, France, Belgium and the Netherlands. When Boaz returned to Israel, he worked in his profession and was an active member of the Haganah. He returned to service and accompanied convoys to Jerusalem on the 9th of Adar II, 5708 (20.3.1948) Boaz fell in battle on the quarry of Tzuba near Mount Castel and was buried in the cemetery in Sanhedria in Jerusalem. On the 26th of Adar 5712 (March 24, 1952) he was transferred to eternal rest on Mount Herzl.

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