Averbuch, Isaac

Averbuch, Isaac

The only son of Zehava and Moshe was born on October 10, 1929, in the city of Komert, Romania. He immigrated to Israel in 1935 and lives in Jerusalem. He attended high school in Beit Hakerem. He was a loner and timid, constantly reading a lot. His friends called him “a living encyclopedia.” When he joined the “Mahanot Ha’olim” movement, he underwent a transformation. He tried to emerge from his loneliness, to socialize. He completed his studies in 1946 and wanted to continue his studies at the Hebrew University, but decided to fulfill his national duty first and also to experience agricultural work, and he hoped to be released from his shyness and develop physically, joined the Palmach and was a member of a mobilized training unit, This is the case in Kibbutz Maoz Haim. Yitzhak fell in a raid on the Arab village of Zar’in in the Jezreel Valley on April 21, 1948. He was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Afula, his father, Moshe, a member of the Haganah, By the Arab Legion.

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