Aval, Shimon

Aval, Shimon

Son of Alter. He was born in 1911 in a town near Vilnius. Simon was a Zionist, belonged to the Hehalutz movement and was active in the movement’s secretariat. In 1939, he immigrated to Israel as part of the Hehalutz movement. Shimon established his place of residence in Petah Tikva where he married, found a place of work and was active in the “Hapoel” company. During World War II, Shimon – like many other members of the Yishuv – responded to the call of the national institutions, enlisted in the British army and was assigned to a Palestine transport company. On the 2nd of Tevet 5703 (2.1.1943), Shimon fell on the Libyan front and was put to rest in a British military cemetery in Libya. He left a wife and a daughter. His name was immortalized in “The Book of Volunteerism” and in the book “Conquerors and Builders.” His burial place is unknown.

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