Attias, Gilad

Attias, Gilad

Son of Bat Sheva and Eli. He was born on Friday, 11 December 1987, at 5 AM, in an ambulance on the way to the hospital, and his parents decided to call him Gilad so that he would be happy forever. He had five children – a brother to Shira, Raphael, Assaf and Tal Hai – a younger than his brother Tal, a year and a month ago, and the two grew up as twins and were good friends. The kindergarten teacher Rachel made the first and second grades in the Gamla elementary school in the community, and when he finished second grade, the family decided to move to Givat Avni, a community settlement in the Lower Galilee, Gilad’s brother, a soldier in the regular army, completed his military service, and it was not easy for Gilad and his brother to adapt to the new and quiet place, accustomed to the noise and the uproar, but with time all the children in the family learned to love the place and recognize its advantages. And in the seventh grade he moved to the Kaduri agricultural school at the foot of Mount Tabor, where he completed his high school studies and was a good student, and although he did not study for exams, he always produced excellent grades. . As a child, Gilad was quiet, shy and humbled to tools, but as he grew older, he was exposed to his leadership capacity and his abundant charisma. Gilad was careful about his appearance, was well-groomed and dressed according to fashion, and found a good taste in clothes. Gilad’s joie de vivre and the love of people in him were “magnetos” to which people wanted to stay with him. Gilad was known for being a good and loyal friend who had enlisted to help in times of trouble, knew how to support and encourage, and all his friends loved him very much. His home was a meeting place to which his friends would come frequently, listening to music – especially Mizrahi music that Gilad loved – eating, drinking and laughing. Thanks to his special sense of humor, Gilad managed to solve all the problems that arose among the members, and to bring everyone closer to him. He had a developed sense of justice and, being very sensitive, easily hurt. His friends called him affectionately “inflated” because he would get angry quickly and “swell”. Gilad was an outstanding footballer and a great future awaited him. The love of football began at an early age, when he participated in the soccer department, and later played for the Tiberias youth group and the Lower Galilee group. His brother Tal also shared the love of soccer, and together they organized football games for the neighborhood’s children on Saturdays. “After several times Gilad insisted on playing, he was allowed to join us, and since we have not parted, Gilad has become an inseparable part of us, and we are deeply immersed in our hearts. Very tall, and much better than his contemporaries, Gilad was warm in the field but with a golden heart, who always knew how to respect and love us. ” Gilad loved the good life, freedom and spaciousness. The expression of this was his strong attraction to motor vehicles – cars and ATVs – and especially motorcycles. These were the embodiment of freedom, the unlimited power of liberation, of the open air, of the connection with the landscape and the environment. At the age of sixteen, Gilad issued a motorcycle license and checked with him the limits of danger. He loved driving the field, discovering hidden corners and galloping on winding roads. Another great love was his love for Edva. It was a pure, intense love that lasted more than five years. Adva spoiled Gilad endlessly: cooked him foods he loved, and on birthdays she used to fill the house with balloons and organize a party for him with all the friends. She recovers Yam”You know, the day I saw you for the first time, I was amazed, I looked at you and I could not take my eyes off you, you were so beautiful, I remember how we looked at each other and did not take our eyes off. I did not think I would love you so vastly, I fell in love with everything about you. Gilad had gold hands, and everything he touched touched him. He was very creative, a painter with great skill, knew how to fix motorcycle problems, installed electrical systems, and even managed to design hairstyles for his girlfriend. On 13 August 2006, Gilad was drafted into the IDF and assigned to the Armored Corps, and his commander testified that he was a diligent and disciplined soldier and loved to help everyone Gilad, who was so loved in his life and loved life so much, For an unknown reason, Gilad turned over with the motorcycle he loved, was critically wounded, and died of his wounds on the way to Rambam Hospital in Haifa. “Gilad was too perfect for this world and therefore could not continue to live there,” said his brother Assaf. Gilad, 21, was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Migdal Haemek. Survived by his parents, sister, and three brothers. With Gilad’s death, the neighborhood was quiet. The friends who had been lively and lively before had become quiet, and many of them had sold their motorcycles. On the 30th anniversary of his downfall, the mother eulogized her son: “… You were born into a loving, supportive, dignified and praiseworthy family that believes in freedom and openness, grew up in an open house, full of life, always filled with many guests and friends. The values ​​of the people and the nation in your homeland have found a rebirth, respect for every person regardless of religion, race, and people … You were a child full of joy, with a constant smile on your face … You were adventurous, wide- He is confident and generous, gifted with foresight, always strives forward, does not step in place, aspires to achievements, has the ability to perseverance, kindness and infinite generosity. You’ve had a huge presence along with shyness, a sense of humor and a big laugh that has infected everyone, and with your sense of humor you have overcome and solved many problems, your sense of pleasure was contagious, you were full of positive enthusiasm We believed that you must live every day in a way that you believe will make you feel good about your life, so that if your life ends tomorrow – and they do – Be satisfied with yourself. And that’s what my little boy did. … I wish that a blessing will last forever, and will illuminate your path and your new surroundings. … be my beloved peace. Gilad, we will remember you forever. “Eulogized his friend, Adva,” It is already thirty days since you were killed and I still can not believe you are not there, that you are buried in the ground. It’s hard to think she will not come back. I will not see you again. Your smile. It’s hard to think I’ll have to go on without you, that you will not be with me. You had a lot of plans. we had. We wanted to get married, build a house and bring children. How was everything shattered in a moment? How do a whole life disappear in the second? … I wanted to tell you that I think all the time, that I remember and remember, at every sign. I wanted to tell you that I would never try to forget. I wanted to say thank you for always giving me strength. I wanted to tell you that there is a deep hole in my heart that fills with pleasant memories each time. I wanted to tell you that I miss, love, and always love. I want to say thank God that gave me the opportunity to meet a wonderful person. I thank God for a wonderful time. A period in which HelRestored hand in hand. We held on to a great love, and I was thrilled every time that a man peered out of that smiling boy. A strong, mature man, radiating confidence. I thank God for letting me touch love … “Adva also wrote:” … You were the only thing that held me. The only person I enjoyed living for. I would do anything to make you happy and make you happy. You’re the one who taught me so many things I did not know. You are the one who took out feelings that I did not think existed. And you taught me what it is to love. You’re the one who changed me from one end to the other. The one who gave me so much love … We loved each other so much. I want you to know that you were the sweetest experience in my life. … You were the person who made up the missing – the missing that was in my heart. Gilad’s friend, Tal Almog, dedicated his poem to Itzik Shamli: “I remember the days of childhood, how we grew up, how we looked for the future and only dreamed, and we did not take our eyes off the front, And we do not know / all those dangers haunt us / all that our parents said only we answered / believe, that we get everything we aspired to // and sometimes when you sleep / I dream your character says / sometimes there are crises / but your hand always supports // I remember you / The longing does not pass, you will return quickly / and it is a guard, every memory that you sell / you are my brother, you are a friend / you are missing / I remember / my things you said / even when I wanted to give up you did not give You’re my right hand / Maybe far from the eye but close to my heart // And sometimes when you laugh / your voice is heard laughing in the background “I remember you in my heart, the guard / the longing does not pass, you return quickly / And this is a guard, every memory that you sell / You are my brother, you are a friend / You are missing …” Many commemorative actions were taken and done In memory of Gilad: The “Lower Galilee” soccer team decided to change its name and be called the “Gilad Group”. In the grave of Rabbi Meir Ba’al HaNess we will buy a permanent candle in memory of Gilad. Yehoshua’s uncle, Joshua, bought books for his Gemara in a synagogue in Migdal Haemek. Several books were donated in memory of Gilad. Gilad’s family is working on building a garden in his memory in Givat Avni. On the purpose of the kindergarten, his mother explained: “In the day it will serve as a playground for the young children, a garden full of joy and a lot of laughter and laughter – and there is no greater joy than that – and in the evening it will become a nest of lovers.”

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