Asulin, Doron

Asulin, Doron

The eldest son of Aliza and Meir. He was born in Be’er Sheva on the 13th of Tishrei 5748 (October 6, 1987), and upon his arrival the world was filled with great light and joy. Doron grew up and was educated in Be’er Sheva; he visited the Yochi Family, the “Moledet” kindergarten and the “Shechem” kindergarten. He began his studies at the religious elementary school “Netivei Am” and went on to the junior high school of Yeshivat Bnei Akiva “Ohel Shlomo” and later to the “Amit” high school yeshiva, including five units in physics, mathematics, English, He was successful in his work, and was fluent in Hebrew, and Doron successfully radiated his joy and innocence, his beauty was evident in the field, and his gaze was pleasant and captivating. David Red). When Doron was in the 11th grade, he went with a delegation of the AMIT network to visit the death camps in Poland, and returned horrified by the scenes, the living conditions of the Jews, and the horror stories told by Holocaust survivors who accompanied the delegation. This tour strengthened his view that we must be strong and united against the forces of evil in our world. Sport was a central focus of Doron’s life. In 1998, at the age of eleven, he miraculously escaped from a basketball practice at the Makif V school, about fifteen minutes before the collapse of the gym’s gymnasium. The other sport that Doron achieved was karate, and he reached the orange belt, and he showed up for hard training even after he enlisted on the short vacations he received, and at every opportunity he played football and was a fan of the sworn. Of Hapoel Be’er Sheva. “Doron loved the country and plowed the length and breadth of its paths from the Hermon to Eilat, connecting to landscapes, people, heritage He also took part in many marches – the Jerusalem Parade, the Negev Parade, the Kinneret Walk, the Spring Walk, and more … He also traveled extensively abroad and visited France, Switzerland, Italy and Cyprus. After six months he became aware that being an infantry fighter in this elite unit was the best way for him, and left the navy. He asked to go to the “Duvdevan” unit, but this did not help. His next preference was the Givati ​​Brigade, and he conditioned his re-assignment by becoming a combat unit commander (reconnaissance unit), so Doron underwent basic training and began the fourteen-month combat course at the ” “Samson Foxes”. He participated in many operational activities, and showed courage, dedication to his friends, and dedication to the mission. Doron was killed in a battle in the Gaza Strip on the 14th of Adar 5768 (March 1, 2008) during Operation Warm Winter. In this operation, the Givati ​​Brigade was ordered to prevent the ongoing rocket fire at western Negev and Ashkelon settlements. Doron, who served as Sela and Navot Hud, led the force to the target, on the outskirts of Jabalya. During the battle, fire was fired at the force, and the commander fell back from the blast. Doron recognized the direction of the shooting and rose. He saw the terrorist, shouted “who is this” so as not to hurt our forces on the ground, and managed to shoot at the terrorist. Then he was shot in the direction of a bundle; The one bullet hit the gun and caused the brake, the second bullet hit his neck, and the third hit the main artery. Doron raised his hand to signal to the crew that he had been hit, and then fell. With him fell First Sergeant Eran Dan-Gur. Doron was twenty and a half when he died. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Be’er Sheva. Survived by parents and three sistersVince, Annal and Eden. After his fall, he was promoted to First Sergeant. On Doron’s grave was engraved the verse: “The deer of Israel is on your feet a space, how did the mighty fall?” (Samuel II, Chapter 1, verse 19) Is composed of a demonstration of values ​​on which you are taught to be committed to the task, striving for contact and excellence, to the point of sacrificing your life to the sanctity of the state. … Yesterday you marched at the head of your friends as a guide and cut off your beautiful years. You fell in front of a despicable and despicable enemy whose sole purpose is to exhaust the residents of the Gaza vicinity, Sderot and Ashkelon. … Your friends say that you were a devoted and loyal friend, with initiative and love of the Land of Israel. You liked to spend time with your friends, is considered a leader in the team, and always stood out in every task. You have always been very happy and have created a pleasant environment among the staff and the company. “We will continue Doron’s legacy and continue to carry out any task that we will be required to defeat any enemy that wishes to harm the State of Israel and its residents.” Doron praised Rabbi Shlomo Danino Ben-David: “… Doron, a real young man. A wonderful blend of precise dose properties. The inner quiet is conspicuous, social and familial to the point. You can see you standing with the embarrassed smile, half ashamed and half naughty … We are sure that the angels of grace are coming out to meet you now, and to show you a way of honor. “The eulogy of Gideon Asulin, Doron’s cousin:” Hero of Israel! We stand here crying for such a great loss … You, Doron, were the pride of the family and you always tried to persuade everyone to enlist in combat. When you asked about the operations in Gaza, you said with your usual smile that you know how to get in but do not know how to get out … And that’s you Doron, a lion cub, a brave soldier who never showed his fear! … Today you separate from us and go to another world, a world where you will not have to fight anymore and sacrifice your life for peace! This is where you are destined, a place to take the best, it’s a world of angels! We salute you for the last time and swear to you that you will always remain in our hearts. “Inbal’s words, Doron’s girlfriend:” Dear love! You were always a hero and always be a hero! You were just so perfect, you did not miss anything. You were humble, compassionate and loving … I thank the Creator who gave me the right to know you, to be with you, to love you. In the letter of condolences to the bereaved family, Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi wrote: “… Doron’s commanders say that he was an excellent fighter who believed in the justice of the road and won their full trust. Who was fond of the country and loved to travel in it, because of all these and more, he was loved by those around him, and the heart is bitter about Doron’s untimely death, and I am certain that his image will illuminate the path of his commanders and friends. ” Lieutenant-Colonel Gur Shreibman, commander of the unit, wrote: “Doron was an excellent fighter and was particularly prominent in the field of navigation, so he served as a navigator and was the right hand of the team commander. A man who was open-hearted and was not afraid to express his opinions and his heart among his friends, with whom he liked to spend time, travel and fish, Doron’s company was recently stationed at the “chicken” outpost on the Egyptian border – a difficult task that tested the morale of the fighters. Doron was very motivated and saw the full half cup when the company accepted the order to go to the Gaza Strip Seeing the return to areas they knew well: “Doron was a brave and brave man and fighter. His high ability and responsibility led us, his commanders, to place him at the head of the brigade column. Indeed, dAnd Ron was the first to go to battle, literally … forever we will remember Doron’s smile and character. “Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor Eli Yishai wrote:” … Doron sanctified the name of God, which is the true purpose of every person. It is possible to find some consolation in the fact that his death was in the war for our existence, and his rise in the storm to the heavens earned him the status of a saint and a saint. ” On the 30th anniversary of Doron’s downfall, his educator, Haggai Benson, spoke: “Doron found the right balance between the extremes, he was a bright and clever student, but he was not an addict of studies, he was an idealist, but he did not wave flags or speak passionately. He was gentle and considerate, but he knew how to stand up for himself, he had a strong character and a very strong personality, but not impervious to the environment … Doron was a tall, strong, excellent and excellent guy, but he never saw himself raised. I thank my right to be part of his world … Our Doron never put himself in the center, did not try to emphasize himself, but was the spearhead, The center point of the social circle … He sacrificed himself, his time and energy for the sake of others in his life, and sacrificed his life, his life and his body for the public, the people and the land also in his death. He eulogized his cousin Doron: “… From every moment with you, I learned how to live life, how to enjoy it … You were my best teacher in the school of life, and the tips you left me will accompany me all the way. “You were a man of deeds and not of words … Your weapon was your pride, and you were our pride … You were for me and everyone who knew you like Brother, now you have become an angel, an angel that we will never forget. ” Aunt Miriam said: “… Doron, you were beautiful and smiling, a hero, a real patriot, diligent, calculating, respectful and helpful to others. And the sisters, the uncles, and of course you had a special love for your grandparents, who will live long, Doron, rest in peace and your soul will be in the bundle of life. ” At the memorial ceremony marking the eleventh anniversary of Doron’s fall, a raven crew member, Aviad Israeli, spoke: “… I just miss you, you are part of us, deeply engraved in our hearts as a team, and each of us separately. Because you are no longer like you, and the staff will never be complete … You have been so much in your short life, and will always be with us. ” The words of Lt. Nathaniel Shamka, commander of the platoon crew, Ravav: “… your character, Doron, will be a model of a personal example, a mission of love and sacrifice. The State of Israel is saturated with your blood and we know within ourselves that there is no victory without a fighting spirit, and your spirit is the spirit of the IDF, the spirit of the State of Israel, which is stubbornly fighting, grinding our teeth and bravely on our right to exist … Your image will always be before us. We will continue your legacy in our actions with courage, wisdom and faith. ” On the first anniversary of his downfall, Doron eulogized his father: “Doron, my eldest son … The sense of responsibility and responsibility you took on yourself as a guide, leading everyone to a goal, even at the cost of sacrificing your life for your friends. You loved the good life, and you knew how to use every moment, especially for good things … Everyone misses you, your smile, your friendship, you, Doron … keep us up there. ” In memory of Doron, an internet site was established at http:/doron-asulin.com. On the site – his biography, photo gallery, obituaries and things written in his memory, and more. “Dear Doron, how difficult it is to find words to describe the pain and the sadness … The first thing I see in you is how heroic and courageous you were, and with a lot of modesty … You fell in the operation out of love for Israel and out of a firm belief that your service in the army is for the sake of Your country, and I feel you can truly say ‘God chooses the best to be beside him, beside the Throne of Glory.’ ” Doron was immortalized in different ways. On 15 March 2009, a bowling tournament was held in Beer Sheva. The Bowling League Cup factory is named after him. One of the teams participating in the Mimuna soccer tournament was named after Doron. In one of the soccer games of the Hapoel Be’er Sheva team, the team that Doron was a fan of, a minute of silence was dedicated to his memory.

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