Astreicher, Moshe

Astreicher, Moshe

Moshe, son of Gabriella and Mordechai, was born on the 11th of Nissan 5712 (1952) in Haifa, grew up in his hometown and studied there at the Reali elementary school and even completed high school in the same school. Moshe was a quiet, self-contained boy. He was intelligent and thought-provoking, but he never liked to stand out. Although very talented, he did not exceed the average as a student and did not take an active part in classes. His teachers told him that he was a pleasant, comfortable child who did not work hard and could have achieved much more. At times he was ambitious and achieved excellent achievements, which revealed his potential. His 12 th grader wrote about him: “Wise and well-rounded and capable of argument. More conscientious and honest. “Although he was self-contained and quiet, he had the qualities of a natural leader and authority, for whom people had accepted authority over him, and when he was a child he was found to have artistic tendencies, He was a member of the scouts movement “Shevat Mashutti in the Carmel” and later became a leader in the movement, Moshe was drafted into the IDF at the end of July 1970, volunteered for an aviation course and completed His training has been successful. He had a natural talent for flying and he was among the best students of the class. He was very sociable and liked his commanders and classmates. After completing the course, he was assigned to a Skyhawk Squadron, where he immediately became famous for his talents and leadership. On the 7th of Tishrei 5740 (7.10.1973), the second day of the Yom Kippur War, Moshe was sent to carry out an operational flight, during which he was injured in the name of Port Said and fell. For a long time he was considered missing, but at the beginning of May 1977, his parents were informed that his body had been identified after being returned by the Egyptians before. Despite the great pain, the gospel contained a small consolation, since his name would no longer be counted among the missing. Moshe was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. Survived by his parents and brother. After his fall, he was promoted to captain. Moshe’s name was commemorated by awarding a scholarship for his name to a graduate of the Reali School, continuing his academic studies. The scholarship is awarded at a yearly ceremony; In memory of Moshe, an air-conditioner and a curtain were installed for the ark in the synagogue of the base, where Moshe served there and left for a mission he did not return from.

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