Asraf, Solomon-Solomon

Asraf, Solomon-Solomon

Son of Rachel and Isaac. He was born on the 28th of Tevet 5707 (28.12.1955) in Melilla, Spain. The family immigrated to Israel in 1958 and settled in Beit Shemesh. When he was seven, Shlomo moved with his family to the Geula neighborhood of Jerusalem, where he attended the Nahum Sokolov Elementary School and graduated from the Even Sapir High School in Jerusalem. As a young man, Shlomo worked as a bouncer at the Plaza Hotel in Jerusalem, where he also met his future wife, Ida. Shlomo was drafted into the IDF in early February 1974 and assigned to the Armored Corps, where he served as a transport driver in an armored unit, volunteering for the career army and serving for three years in a position against transport. When Shlomo completed his regular service, he worked for the Postal Authority for fourteen years until his last day, and in the last six years of his life he worked as a postman in the Binyamin region, where he received great love and appreciation, : “We waited for Shlomo’s arrival every morning – to hear what was new in the government and some new joke, something that would certainly come up laughing On our faces. Shlomo noticed every change in our office – it was a girl, it got engaged, it was new, and always with a word that everyone liked. Shlomo was proud of his great son, because of his love for the Land of Israel. “Shlomo was full of joy, always when he came to pick up the mail he would exchange a few good words with us,” he said. “It was our Shlomo, with the curls and short pants that brought us letters. Laughing with us, advising us good advice, telling about his family. There was simply a feeling of good contact between us. “We will not see the curls surrounding his smiling face always, despite the fact that he always worked under stress conditions, on dangerous roads between discarded stones and bottles,” says Pnina Lavi. . He was always called a hero without fear. “Shlomo was called for reserve duty and even volunteered for reserve duty for security missions in Mishor Adumim On July 22, 1994, during his active reserve duty, Shlomo fell in the line of duty. A brother, brother and two sisters – Mercedes and Simona In a condolence letter to the family, Chief of Staff Ehud Barak wrote: “Shlomo Salomon was a security man, a member of the civil defense in the Etzion Brigade area of ​​Judea and Samaria, who was described by his commanders as a quiet soldier with a wonderful smile who Volunteered to carry out an active reserve service on his own initiative, even when we did not call him. ” His commander wrote: “Shlomo served in the IDF for many years and at the beginning of his career even served in the regular army against. Shlomo was a man full of joy and optimism. He was kind to those around him, always willing to help others, and he did so with a smile and a good mood that affected everyone for the better. “His wife and mother donated books, lamps and money to build a new hall in the synagogue in Ma’aleh Adumim, and his wife, in cooperation with the Postal Authority, set up a memorial room In his memory, in the central garage of the Postal Authority in Jerusalem

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