Asor (Asur), Jacob

Asor (Asur), Jacob

Jacob, son of Hannah and Abraham, was born on December 26, 1945, in Marrakech, Morocco, and immigrated to Israel with his brothers in 1956. In Morocco, Jacob studied for six years in a general school and in the evening hours. “He said. When he was eleven and a half, he immigrated to Israel with his brother as part of the Youth Aliyah. They moved from Tangier to Gibraltar with forged passports, and from there they boarded the ship to Israel. In Israel, the two brothers were sent to Ramat Hadassah, where Yaakov began to learn Hebrew and to know the life of the country. It was a difficult time for a child who had been cut off from his parents and had worked in the country without a relative or a conscious one. From Ramat Hadassah, Yaakov was transferred to the Yamin Orde. During his studies at the religious youth village, he was active in the Gadna and later went on to study at the agricultural school at the Kfar Hasidim Youth Village, where he was drafted into the IDF at the end of July 1964, and as a member of the ” After basic training, he spent some time in a Nahal outpost on the Gilboa. After serving as a parachutist and infantry commander, he served in the Nahal paramilitary brigade and served in the Nahal paramilitary brigade, Jacob did at Kibbutz Sa’ad. Since he had no family in Israel and had to take care of himself, Yaakov became very independent. He knew how to work and worked hard. By nature he liked society and soon became fond of his friends. As he organized social activities, many friends gathered around him. After completing his regular service, he was assigned to reserve duty in the infantry, as a rifleman in a paratroopers regiment. During the Six-Day War he participated with the Paratroopers Brigade in the fierce battles in Ammunition Hill and in the battles to liberate the Old City. After his discharge he studied in Tel Aviv at the Oxford University and studied for three years at the training center of the School of Medicine of the Ministry of Health in Tzrifin. He graduated from these studies as a Certified Trainee. Afterward he married his girlfriend Rina and they moved to Ashkelon, where he worked as a doctor at the government hospital. He aspired to progress in his work and later moved to work as a regional speaker in the entire region of Sinai, and lived in Shalhevet, in Abu Rodes. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Jacob was at Abu-Rhodes in the Sinai. On the 14th of Tishrei 5734 he was killed and killed in an air raid on Abu-Rhodes. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. He left behind a wife and son, parents, brothers and sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to sergeant

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  • Name: אבנר
    Relationship: Family member
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