Ashkenazi, Uzi (Ezra)
Son of Frieda and Abraham, was born on November 4, 1960 in Holon and attended the Gordon Elementary School in the city. Afterward, he continued his high school studies at the ORT high school, specializing in automotive mechanics and in the track that provides a matriculation certificate. Uzi was a diligent student who always aspired to high achievements. Indeed, he excelled in all fields of study. Being a good boy, punctual and disciplined, Uzi was loved by his teachers and friends. Although he invested a great deal of effort in his studies, he did not abandon the social activities and participated in the class evenings and performances that the students raised in the school. Uzi had a lot of hobbies, and the most prominent of them was the practice of sports – especially soccer and tennis – and hiking around the country. He was modest, gentle and quiet, and he enjoyed peace and mental maturity, which made him often chosen to be an arbitrator and mediator among his friends. They often turned to him for advice and even agreed to hear criticism from him, for he could visit in a pleasant and friendly manner, without a tone of insult. By nature, Uzi was serious, orderly and with excellent organizational ability, and because of these qualities, he was chosen to serve as secretary of the nucleus with whom he belonged. Within the framework of the nuclear program, he spent several years at Kibbutz Dalia and joined the local Zohar factory. His responsibility and devotion were also evident in this position, and he was appreciated by all the members of the kibbutz. In the post of nuclear secretary, Uzi mediated between the members of the nucleus and the instructors, and was generally appreciated and sympathetic by both sides. But he also knew moments of crisis and disappointment, when his friends did not understand his intentions correctly or invested much effort in a particular matter, and he did not succeed. His close friends say he knew how to hide his vulnerability and sensitivity and always said that “everything is fine.” Uzi was drafted into the IDF in mid-January 1979 and volunteered to serve in the paratroop brigade. After his basic training, and after graduating from the course as a trainee, he served as a mentor at the base of recruits, and was devoted to his soldiers and served as an example of his good temperament, professionalism and responsibility. He spent his holidays with his parents, brothers and sisters, but did not tell much about his difficulties and accomplishments, and Uzi completed his regular service period a month before the Peace for Galilee War, and according to his plan, His way through the kibbutz and even study, But on the fifth day of the fighting, Uzi and his friends were cleaning up a house in Sidon and was hit by shrapnel in the explosion that took place in the area, and shortly before he died of his injuries, they asked him On June 10, 1982, Uzi fell in battle in Lebanon, during the war for the Galilee, and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Holon. And two sisters. His friends in Kibbutz Dalia published a booklet in his memory, which included the words of friends and family members about his special character. In various newspapers, lists of his ways and personality were published.