Ashkenazi, Shabtai

Ashkenazi, Shabtai

Son of Binyamin and Yaffa. He was born on 7 March 2002 in Ramle, studied at the Geulim Elementary School in Daughter of-Yam and continued his studies at the Holtz-Amal High School in Tel Aviv, where Shabtai was a gifted and diligent student, He was interested in being in the family, talking to his parents and helping them, his younger brothers and sisters, and Shabtai was drafted into the IDF in July 1970 and volunteered to the air force. After basic training, and after completing his course in the course, he was stationed at an Air Force base and fulfilled his duties with love and devotion. He advanced very quickly in his profession and was evaluated by his commanders as an excellent professional. Shabtai volunteered to serve in the regular army for another year, and during that time he was awarded the rank of sergeant and attained a senior professional status. After his discharge from military service, he decided to study in aircraft mechanics and aspired to work for El Al. He began his studies and was called every year for reserve service in his unit. On the 13th of Shvat 5738 (21.1.1988) Shabtai fell in the line of duty during an active reserve service. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. Survived by his parents, two brothers and a sister. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Shabtai was an engine mechanic in a maintenance squadron, and he was an experienced and experienced motorist with a lot of professional knowledge.

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