Ashkenazi, Erez

Ashkenazi, Erez

Son of Batya and Yinon, Erez was born on 16.6.1982 in Kibbutz Reshafim in the Beit Shean Valley. Erez was born during Operation Peace for the Galilee and was named after the Arzei Lebanon. Erez was endowed with a great soul, social sensitivity and was surrounded by many friends. He always stood out in his physical abilities, a golden heart, but also was serious, responsible and devoted, always striving for perfection. He was an outstanding student, a diligent person with natural curiosity. Along with his attraction to knowledge, Erez was also drawn to sports. He was an outstanding volleyball player on the “Hapoel Beit Shean” team and represented Israel on the youth team. At the end of March 2001 Erez enlisted in the IDF and naturally, as befitting his character and physical and mental strength, volunteered for the “Shayetet 13″ – the naval commando unit – ” because there they are the best, where they are the best” – as he put it. He took a long and arduous course and became a warrior. His ambition to be the best made him excel in all the tasks he was assigned. Before joining the army, Erez met Malki and their acquaintance became a true, great and pure love of truth. The two planned their future together and were about to marry, but fate had other plans. On 27 Sivan, 27 June 2003, about a week after celebrating his twenty-first birthday, Erez fell in a battle in the Bakshi neighborhood of the Gaza Strip to capture wanted terrorists and terrorist operatives. For full memorial, see Hebrew biography.

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