Asher, Joseph

Asher, Joseph

Son of Pinchas and Tova. He was born on the 23rd of Iyar 5637 (23.4.1937) in the city of Iasi, Romania. The family immigrated to Israel in 1950. When the financial situation in the family was very difficult, the parents assisted him in his studies until he completed high school in Kiryat Haim. He tended to continue his studies at the Hebrew Technion in Haifa in the Faculty of Chemical Technology. He belonged to the United Movement and was a member of Hapoel. He was simple and humble in his ways, honest in all his ways. After his enlistment in the army (to the “Nachshol” nucleus in the Nahal Brigade), he met every test and performed every task he was assigned to, fell during his duty on 28 June 1958 and was brought to eternal rest in the Nahariya military cemetery. He published a book in memory of Sivan 1959. His memory was mentioned in the book “The Paratroop Wars” by Uri Milstein.

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