Ash, Shmuel-Aharon

Ash, Shmuel-Aharon

Son of Tova-Gitel and Shimon, was born on the 29th of Shevat, Feb 27, 1930. He graduated from an “Mizrachi” elementary school, studied framing and earned a living. Shmuel-Aharon was full of energy, always helped others and was loved by his friends. He volunteered in the defense of the Hatikva neighborhood. On 12 Adar I, February 22, 1948, the British and Arabs attacked Zerah Brent Street on the Tel Aviv-Jaffa border. Shmuel saw his friend hurt and tried to save him. On the way, a bullet hit him and killed him. The last words of Shmuel, 18 years old, were: “It is good to die for the homeland …”. Shmuel was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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