Artzi (Elgazar), Elijah

Artzi (Elgazar), Elijah

Son of Henriette and Fayyad Algazer. Eliahu (Eli) was born on January 11, 1962 in Akko, the son of a family with seven children, “his green eyes were always shining,” the family relates. “From childhood he liked to play with policemen and thieves and indeed he realized himself and became a policeman “Eliahu attended the Gordon Elementary School in Acre and attended the Air Force Technical College in Haifa, where he was an aircraft mechanic, and in 1979 he joined the army and served in the Air Force as an aircraft mechanic, including a career service for two years. Eliahu was discharged from the army in 1983, and this year he joined the ranks of the police. He was placed in the Acre police station for two years, and was later posted to Eilat. Eli was quiet and modest. His dream was to win Toto and help his brother. He liked to eat the special dishes his mother made: stuffed cakes, salt cookies and the title of the Egyptian dish Molohia. On the last day before his death he spent time with his family on Sukkot and invited everyone to a meal in the city of Nazareth. On the 9th of Tishrei 5748 (October 9, 1987), a policeman was killed in a car accident while on his way to the guard. Twenty-five years old. He was buried in the cemetery in Nahariya. Survived by parents and seven brothers. The family says Eliahu was killed about two months before his intended wedding. He left his family in great pain to this very day.

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