Artzi, Amos

Artzi, Amos

Son of Yehuda and Aliza. He was born on April 29, 1948 in Kibbutz Mizra. When he reached school age, he attended elementary school in his kibbutz and continued to study at the local educational institution. Was conscripted into the IDF in November 1966. On June 15, 1968, he fell in a fire incident between our forces and Egypt on the banks of the Suez Canal (on the Firdan Bridge), and in his letter of condolences to his family, We were always among the first and I promise you that he will stay with us forever and the goal that we have presented to ourselves at last will be the price. “A trophy dedicated to his name was awarded to his company in a brigade competition. His company was ranked first in that competition, and on the day of the “thirty” the kibbutz held a memorial service for a soldier The exhibition was dedicated to the memory of Amos and the exhibition – his paintings – drawings by painter son of-Zion Shiboli (father-in-law of Amos’s sister), accompanied by pieces of poetry by Avi Amos and the graphic performance of the exhibition by his sister. The theme of the exhibition was “grief, mourning and ribbons.” In the 1930s, Kibbutz Mizra took out a pamphlet in his memory, and his name was commemorated in the Yizkor booklet of the kibbutz.

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