Argovy, Moshe (“Moshiko”)

Argovy, Moshe (“Moshiko”)

Son of Shimon and Yona. He was born in Tel Aviv on April 8, 1951. He studied at the Tchernichovsky Elementary School and the ORT vocational high school, both in Tel Aviv. He was able to overcome the failures of will and perseverance: Moshe was very fond of the country, and whenever he had a chance to go for a walk, he was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of August 1969 and was assigned to the Ordnance Corps. On the 30th of Tevet 5731 (30.12.1970) he fell in the course of his duties in Neot Hakikar in the Arava and was brought to eternal rest in the Kiryat Shaul Military Cemetery. A trophy on their name on the sports day of 1971, held by the ORT school administration.

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