Argaman, Azaryahu (Azriq)

Argaman, Azaryahu (Azriq)

Azaryahu (Azriq), son of Rachel and Moshe, was born on July 28, 1936 in Atlit, where he studied at the elementary school in Atlit and continued his studies at the Hugim High School in Haifa, Tank. “Due to a dispute with the school’s management, he stopped his regular studies, but nevertheless took the external matriculation exams with great honors, and Azrielu met with Prof. Baruch Kurzweil, who had a profound influence on him. He was a member of the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed youth movement and eventually became the secretary of the educational division of the Working and Studying Youth Center. He was a member of the “Eshet” youth movement of the United Movement, joined Kibbutz Urim and was a member of it until his last day, and was drafted into the IDF in early January 1955. He was an excellent soldier and a loyal friend Azaryahu wrote numerous lists and many poems, which dealt with them in the field of education of the kibbutzim and the deepening of the awareness of love of the land and of Judaism within them. He was a man of thought and a man of action. He was diligent and quick at work. There were contradictions in it – both seriousness and repetition. He loved quiet and a good book and smoking a pipe with ease and he also loved noise and bustle and company. Along with a sense of humor and lightness, he also has the depth of thought and the ability to analyze his actions, his world view, and his life in the group. In one of his letters he wrote: “There is a point in giving up personal desires, ambitions and personal plans, when you make an interest that has reason and logic with it, and which justifies giving up the progress, development and personal progress.” In 1959 he traveled to the United States on behalf of the Union of Habonim movement, where he married his girlfriend Ora. In the early 1960s, he sought to get closer to Jewish tradition and to the sources and to study at Bar-Ilan University, in the departments of Bible and Jewish history, where he completed his undergraduate studies. After completing his studies, he worked in many areas of the agriculture, especially education. He was the principal of the local school and a teacher at the Eshel Hanasi agricultural school where the children of Urim studied, and taught mainly subjects in the field of Judaism and the history of the Jewish people. When the Six-Day War broke out, he could not rest for himself. He was awarded the “Six Day War” medal for his participation in the war, and in 1969, after many efforts and efforts, he was assigned to the Armored Corps, and during the Yom Kippur War Azaryahu took part in the battles against the Egyptians in the Sinai. (10.10.1973), during a battle in the central sector near Ismailiya, his APC was hit directly and Azaryahu was killed on the spot. For many months he was considered missing, and later declared a space whose burial place was unknown. His body was later identified and he was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery. He left behind a wife, a son and two daughters, a mother, a father and a brother. After his fall, he was promoted to sergeant. His kibbutz and his friends published a pamphlet in his memory, including his character, letters, articles, poems and photographs; The Eshel Hanassi Regional Agricultural School established the “Library in Memory of Azriq Argaman of blessed memory” The Council of Counselors of the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed Youth Center in Neveh Sha’anan planted a garden with a stone and a marble bench in its memory, and the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed Center named after him The home of the southern branch in Jerusalem, and the kibbutz of Kfar-Azza was named after him.

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