Arb, Aaron

Arb, Aaron

He was born on March 19, 1917 in Aixin, Posen, Germany, and completed the elementary school in Berlin. When he was 14 years old, he joined the Brit HaOlim, and after the unification of this movement with Kadima he became a member of Habonim. At a young age he began to work as a baker. The work was hard, but he did not neglect the youth movement meetings. He later joined Hehalutz and went to agricultural training in Silesia, where he soon acquired the trust and affection of all the members. In 1936 he immigrated to Eretz Israel and joined Kibbutz Ramat Hakovesh. With the call to enlist in the Tel Aviv port, he went there with a group of friends. Being in the port company he felt the strong connection to Ramat Hakovesh and was attacked by homesickness. In the midst of the bloody events of June 17, 1938, a bullet hit him and killed him during his work at night. Aharon was brought to eternal rest in Kfar Sava.

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