Anshel, Aaron-Arthur

Anshel, Aaron-Arthur

Son of Bethany and Jacob. He was born on February 10, 1904 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, to a Zionist and observant family. From his childhood he was a member of the Bar Kochva movement and active in Zionist affairs. In 1934 he immigrated to Eretz Israel. He settled in Ra’anana, worked in one of the orchards of the Litvinsky Park and in the vicinity of the Falik River (Poleg Stream). He married and had a daughter. In addition to his agricultural work, he was very active in the Haganah. He was known among his acquaintances as a modest and quiet man, pleasant and involved with people. On August 19, 1938, he went to the orchard to start the engine of the well and a gang of Arab rioters attacked him from the ambush and murdered him. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Ra’anana. He left a wife and a daughter.

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