Ankari, Yael

Ankari, Yael

Daughter of Leah and Gabriel, was born on 10.10.1961 in Hod Hasharon, where she began studying at the Sprinzak Elementary School in Magdiel and continued her studies at the Mossinsohn High School in Magdiel, Bar-Ilan “in Kfar Saba and Kibbutz Nir Oz, and completed her studies at the Arab High School in Petah Tikva, where she was recruited to the IDF at the end of March 1980 and was assigned to the Defense Ministry. She managed to serve only six months and was a disciplined soldier, a model and loved by her friends and commanders. On the 17th of Av 5740 (July 26, 1980) Yael fell during her service and was put to rest in the military section of the cemetery in Magdiel. She left a mother, two sisters and a brother and three stepbrothers.

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