Angel, Elijah

Angel, Elijah

Son of Miriam and Michael, was born on the 23rd of Heshvan 5623 (November 22, 1932) in Tel Aviv. Where he graduated from the Nes Tziona elementary school and excelled in mathematics and painting. For two years he studied at a painting studio, spent six months working in a garage, went to work in his parents’ farm in Kfar Malal and trained in Gadna in Kalmania. In the War of Independence, when many Jews fell in battle, he decided to avenge their blood. At the age of 16 and a half, he forced his parents to cheat the enlistment office and to exaggerate his number of years, and was thus given active service. He participated in the defense of Jerusalem and the battles near Abu Ghosh, and on one of the vacations at home promised his mother a natural simplicity that this year he would end his life in war. He also served as an operator near an artillery unit. On the front of Latrun he fired his machine gun at an enemy plane that bombed them. Eliyahu was hit by a bomb and after two days of dying died on July 17, 1948. He was brought to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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