Andjko, Shimshon
Son of Binyamin and Chaya. He was born on April 20, 1944 in Belchash, Russia. Immigrated to Israel with his family in 1949. The family settled in Tel Hanan, and Shimshon attended elementary school there. In 1953, he moved to Nesher Elementary School and completed his studies as a mechanic at the vocational-evening school in Haifa. During his studies in Haifa he worked as a mechanic in the new port and successfully combined studies and work. As a child, Shimshon was a member of the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed movement in Nesher. He was a sports fan and in addition to the many hours he devoted to his hobby, he found time to study the chess game in depth and took part in the IDF championship. After basic training and after completing his course as a tank mechanic, he was sent to the armored corps base in the south of the country as a tank mechanic. After his discharge from the regular army service, he married a wife and after the Six-Day War returned to serve in the IDF in the regular army in his previous position as a tank mechanic with the rank of sergeant major and the position of foreman. He took part in many raids across the border and in the Yom Kippur War fought against the volume. His commanders admired him as “a soldier who is responsible, diligent, efficient, dedicated, capable of organizing, independent, entrepreneurial, with an excellent profession, loved and loved by his subordinates.” On the 6th of Adar 5703 (March 6, 1975) Shimshon fell in the line of duty. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. He left behind a wife, two sons and two parents. Every year, his family holds a sports day in his unit, which bears the name ‘Shimshon Workshop’. In addition, he commemorated his memory at Ner-Tamid in the Rambam Synagogue in Haifa.