Anda, Avraham-Aryeh

Anda, Avraham-Aryeh

Avraham-Aryeh, son of Esther and Eliezer Anda, was born on 2 August 1924 in Jerusalem to a traditionally observant Jerusalemite family, and at the tender age he began to study in the Talmud Torah. Avraham-Aryeh excelled in training and especially in throwing hand grenades. He was sent to an extreme position in the Muzarra neighborhood, before the British were about to abandon their positions in the neighborhood, and key positions were necessary. He was forced to move equipment to a distant position, and he was chosen because of his agility. Across the road the British guards shot him from their position in Sheikh Jarrah. Avraham-Aryeh fell on 19 Adar (29.2.1948) and was buried in Sanhedria in Jerusalem and was survived by a wife and son. On the 12th of Elul 5711 (13.9.1951) he was transferred to the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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