Ancient, Miracles (Nissan)

Ancient, Miracles (Nissan)

Ben Mazal Tov and Yosef, a brother to Tzipora and Moshe. He was born on September 16, 1973 in Lod. Nissim studied at Bialik Elementary School in Lod and in the Ramla Comprehensive High School in Ramla. He successfully completed and completed the ORT Tel Hashomer High School in hydraulics and mechanical maintenance. At the end of October 1991, Nissim enlisted in the IDF and became a dedicated equipment technician for the Ordnance Corps. Nissim was killed while carrying out his duties in a road accident that took place on the 19th of Tishrei 5754 (19.9.1993) at the Nir Tzvi-Ramle junction, where Sergeant Alon Sharer was killed and Nissim was laid to rest in the Lod cemetery. Nissim was an outstanding soldier, and on his last Independence Day he was chosen by his commanders in the department. He was an outstanding soldier in his willingness to help and reach out – always a volunteer. Only me and commanders, I would like to express our deep sorrow present size of catastrophe you. ” His family commemorated Nissim in the establishment of a Torah library in the “Elijah the Prophet” synagogue in the Ramot neighborhood of Lod. Nissim was an outstanding Judi and after his fall, a Judo club was established in Lod, named after him.

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