Amram, Avinoam

Amram, Avinoam

Ben Hadassah and Benjamin. He was born on the 22nd of Tishrei 5732 on the eve of Simhat Torah (11.10.1971) in Beit Dagan. He studied at the Ramez Elementary School and continued his studies at the Ort High School in Rehovot in the field of building architecture, where he completed his studies successfully and completed a full matriculation certificate, was a sports enthusiast and was actively involved in basketball and soccer. He played a trumpet, loved trips, and went on trips, both in the family and in other settings, and he was a responsible youngster who always helped the needy. In the “March of the Living,” in which he met Jewish youth from Canada and forged bilateral ties with them Kim, who came to stay at his home and continued to maintain correspondence with him, Avinoam was drafted into the IDF in May 1990 and assigned to serve in the Artillery Corps. He completed basic training as an outstanding trainee and during his service in the Artillery Corps was an outstanding soldier. Avinoam fell on the 12th of Cheshvan 5710 (31.10.1990) in Rafah while carrying out his duties, when a tunnel that was at the time of operational activity collapsed. He was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. Survived by his parents and two brothers – Tamir and Shahar. He was promoted to Corporal after his death, and his friends set up Gilad in his artillery camp in the Golan Heights.

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