Amit Tel-On

Amit Tel-On

The son of Zahavit and Ilan. Born on the first of Iyar 5767 in Jerusalem, Ram’s younger brother.

Shortly after his birth, the family moved to Modi’in. He studied in the city, starting at Idan Elementary School and continuing to “Urban A” High School. Amit excelled in studies, loved biology, math, and English, and in high school chose to study in an enhanced science classroom. He graduated from high school with very high grades. Beyond school, he showed great interest in technology, and knew how to repair almost every technology device he had.

During the high school period, he volunteered in the “Fire Fighters” program, as part of a social engagement project, after being impressed by the sacrifices and efforts of the firefighters at the large fire that took place at the end of 2010 in Carmel.

From his youth he practiced sports, focusing on two areas – running and football. He participated in running competitions in the school team, in which he won many medals. In addition, he attended an elementary school football team. He also loved watching football games, and his favorite team was the “Barcelona Football Club”. In 2007, a dream came true, when a family trip visited their home ground – “Camp Nou” in Barcelona, ​​Spain.

During the pre-military period, Amit made sure of daily sports, and practiced regularly in the gym. In his spare time, he has played extensively on PC and Sony, used to listen to rock music and contemporary Israeli rap creators, loved watching Japanese anime series and reading English thrillers.

In early December 2015, he enlisted in the IDF. He was trained as a communications technician in the ICU and embedded in the 401th Armored Brigade. In May 2016, Corporal Amit was awarded a Commander’s Certificate of Excellence. In a letter to the family, Chief of Staff, Maj. Gen. Gadi Eisenkott, commented: The newcomers to the company, and acted with care and joy in doing so.

During his service he did not neglect his love for the sport. Now it was basketball – he was closely watching the US Basketball League, the NBA, and not even getting up early in the morning to watch live games.

First Sergeant Amit Tal-On fell during his service on the day of May 19, 2018 (May 8, 2018) at the age of 21. He was brought to rest in the military section of the Modi’in cemetery. Survived by parents and brother.

In memory of Amit, a tree was planted by the Jewish National Fund in the Jerusalem Forest.

Amit was commemorated at the Yad Labanim in Modi’in and the memorial monument to the IDF’s victims and the victims of hostilities.


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