Amit, Mordechai (“Axi”)

Amit, Mordechai (“Axi”)

Son of-Yehuda-Aryeh and Hannah. He was born on April 17, 1917 in Warsaw, the capital of Poland. At the age of three, the family owned the land. Before you finished elementary school you gave up and since then began to take on the burden of livelihood and deals with all kinds of work, but at the same time made every effort to buy news and wisdom out of reading alertness. He was a member of the Haganah and belonged to the Hebrew Yishuv police force (he was a guard in the Sharon) and he often risked various actions for the homeland, without anyone knowing about it, because he would go along with his lifestyle. At the outbreak of World War II he was one of the first to enlist in the British army to eradicate the Nazi hater and served in several countries until finally joining the ranks of the Jewish Brigade in Italy. He completed his service in the British Army with the rank of captain. At the end of World War he worked in a civilian job as a customs agent, but not long ago the War of Independence broke out and he was once among the first in the campaign. In the IDF he reached the rank of lieutenant colonel and used to say that it was his love for the homeland that brought him about: “I did nothing. I want to act and do. I love my people and my country and every price is not expensive. I am an army man. This is how I was born and will remain so for the rest of my life – even life is a little difficult, but good. “He wanted to do a great deal and continue to learn and reach perfection, but his thoughts were not implemented. On the 14th of Tammuz, He died and was put to rest at the military cemetery in Haifa, leaving a wife and two children.

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