Amin, Yehoshua (Pereg)

Amin, Yehoshua (Pereg)

Yehoshua (Pereg), son of Sambel and Abraham Halevi, was born on February 4, 1947 in Egypt and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1949. He studied at the elementary school in Moshav Matzliach near Ramle. Joshua loved the farm work on his parents’ farm in the moshav, and especially liked the use of the heavy tools. For many hours he diligently worked on the cultivation of the agriculture. Despite hard work and hard work, he accepted every request that friends and neighbors asked him to help. He loved to help others and was always ready to help the weak. Energetic and full of vitality, with a strong will and striving for perfection, with perseverance and a desire to succeed in all his hands. Joshua was sociable, easy to make friends and hospitable, did not gossip and was a loyal confidant. His patience and patience were familiar to his acquaintances. He was humble and modest and did not like to stand out. He was a man of truth, honest and decent and very sensitive to wrongdoings. He could forgive and give up with a shy smile on his lips. He was courteous and polite, gentle and pleasant, loved simplicity and was Simcha with his lot. Yehoshua was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in mid-February 1966. Two years after he was drafted, he was released for a year from military service to assist his parents in earning their living. In 1968 he married his girlfriend Fortuna and in the course of time they had two sons: a loyal son of his parents, a devoted husband to his wife, and a loving father to his sons, Abraham and Joseph, when the Yom Kippur War broke out Yehoshua was drafted and sent with his unit to the front in Sinai on October 18, 1973, not far from He was brought to the eternal rest of the cemetery in Ashdod and left behind a wife and two sons, a father, a mother, six brothers and three sisters. He wrote to the bereaved family in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family: “Yehoshua fulfilled his role faithfully and devotedly and led ammunition and supplies to our front forces under fire and shelling while adhering to the mission.” His unit published a pamphlet in memory of its fallen soldiers.

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