Amikam, Boaz (Buzi)

Amikam, Boaz (Buzi)

Son of Tzippora (the daughter of Rabbi Baruch Marcus, the chief rabbi of Haifa) and Israel (from the soldiers of the Hebrew battalions in the First World War). He was born on the 3rd of Nissan, April 13, 1929 in Haifa. He was a few months old, when the riots of 1929 broke out. His mother was forced to carry him, with the whistling of Arab bullets, in order to escape to Hadar Hacarmel, from their home on the border of the Arab region. He studied for 12 years in the Reali School. His teachers all spoke of his comfortable nature, his good behavior and his progress in studies. He dealt with his activities in the Scouts tribe “wandering the Carmel”, with all seriousness and carried out, even the most difficult of tasks. He was very devoted to his family, especially to his younger brother. Boaz was an active member of the National Army, the British and Israeli police, the Notrim and the Agudat Israel. During summer vacation, before the seventh and eighth grades, he worked in the building to earn his own tuition (although he did not need it). When he was brought home with two fractures in his hand, he tried not to be a burden on the members of his household. He emerged as the “pioneer” of the hachshara that was enlisted in Sarid. He and his colleagues were forced to abandon agricultural training and devote themselves entirely to the military, at the outbreak of the War of Independence. From the Galilee, he was sent to Haifa for a first aid course. When he returned, he served as a paramedic. In this capacity, he participated in the second attack on the Nebi Yusha on the eleventh of Nissan, April 20, 1948. With a wounded hand, he continued to provide first aid to others. After they were ordered to retreat, because of its many casualties, he remained to treat two wounded comrades, and then he too fell. The Chief of Staff’s letter to his father states: “Your son, Boaz, showed courage and great devotion in the role he filled.” On the 28th of Shvat, February 15, 1950, he was transferred from his temporary grave, to the military cemetery in Haifa.

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