Amedi, Chaim

Amedi, Chaim

Ben Aviva and Shimon. Born on April 20, 1977 in Jerusalem, son of a Sephardic mother and father of the Kurdish community, the third generation of a well-established Jerusalem family of five children, Chaim was born as the same twin as his brother Zion, Where he studied at the Masada Elementary School in the Katamon area and at the Ort Beit El High School, in the automotive mechanics track, where he was certified as a car mechanic, Haim was a blue-eyed boy and handsome, always in high morale, with joy He was loved and revered among his many friends, who served as role models, a leading figure in every social event and at every party, very kind, his friend The school teacher was a right hand in the classroom, always helping solve problems between the students and the system, and he did not let them down Haim was in a warm and loving relationship with his extended, caring and devoted family, who accompanied his education and was always involved in what was going on in the school, was involved and active in everything that happened to everyone, and the family celebrations swept everyone around in singing and dancing. He was endowed with taste and a special aesthetic sense, which was known in his dress and appearance. “Dear friend, friend in the heart,” his friends said. In the middle of December 1995, Haim was drafted into the IDF’s compulsory training course and was sent to a training course at the Training Base 20, received the rank of corporal and was sent to serve at the transport base at home According to his commander, he was a responsible and dedicated soldier, who performed all his duties in full and despite the short time he was at the base, was admired by his friends and commanders On March 12, 1996, He was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, and was nineteen when he fell. Sergeant. Survived by his parents, a sister – a spear and three brothers – Sharon, twin Zion, and Lior. Letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote: “Life acclimatized unit socially and professionally in a fast and unusual. Succeeded in keeping its impression and influence on both soldiers and commanders. … And his name says everything – ‘Chaim’! But his life was cut off on the bloody bus line 18, in live gematria! … “.

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