Amar, Zion

Amar, Zion

Ben Yamna and Yaish. Zion was born in Atlit on October 23, 1957. He is from an established family. He completed his elementary studies at the religious state school in Atlit and completed high school with honors in Kfar Avraham. Zion was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces and served in the artillery corps, where he served as a combat paramedic. Since 2000 he has served as the extension coordinator. He always did his best, was a professional, devoted and loyal to his work. The unit under his command won the best unit in the region for its functioning. During his service in the police, Zion studied industrial and management courses, safety officers in traffic and business administration. Zion lived in Atlit with his family. Was devoted to his family and children, and built a magnificent house. He was popular among his friends and acquaintances, loved to help and help anyone who approached him with a problem or a request. On April 27, 2003, a senior sergeant was killed in a road accident on the coastal road on his way to work. Forty-six years old. He was buried in the Atlit cemetery. He left a wife and four children.

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