Amar, Haim

Amar, Haim

Son of Avraham and Isha. He was born on December 6, 1950 in Morocco. Haim was spoiled by his smallness, and the parents, who did their best to give him proper measurements, even took care of his education and hired private tutors. When he was 13, he immigrated to Israel with his family. Here, too, his parents devoted themselves to continuing Haim’s education. He was a member of the Scouts movement in Jerusalem and was one of its most prominent activists. He was an outstanding athlete, even though he was not a member of a sports association, and he made good achievements in various industries – especially football. He was a lively and resourceful boy, as one of his teachers said about him: “Haim was one of the most talented in his class, but he did not take advantage of it, and he was distinguished by two qualities – honesty and ethics – and he was kind and respectful to all his friends and teachers. A weak blow from him and intervened to separate the squabbles and protect the weak, even knowing that this was against him.after completing elementary school, he decided not to continue his studies because he believed that the bench of study restricted him and prevented him from exploiting all the energy stored in him. Of the family with the children, poor, and therefore felt the need to help and make a living A place that offered his service both because of his sturdy appearance and because of his responsibility and dedication to work, but when the situation in the home improved, he retired from his work and was able to work more energetically in his hobby (which became a profession for the time being). Haim was drafted into the IDF in mid-February 1969. On the 27th of Adar 5770 (March 5, 1970), he fell in the line of duty. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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