Alufi, Elisha

Alufi, Elisha

Son of Peretz and Leah. He was born on the third day of Nissan in 1932 in Vilna, Poland, where he immigrated to Israel in 1936. He studied at the school in Even Yehuda and continued his studies at the elementary school, Where he worked as a teacher and later as a manager, and was educated in the carpentry workshop at the Amal vocational school in Hadera, but this work did not attract him, and he was drafted into the IDF in 1950. When he was released, As a clerk in the Massada bookstore in Haifa, he found great satisfaction. He had a developed musical sense and spent his free time listening to music records. The collapse of his brother Amiram, the younger of him (March 1956) shocked Elisha and, with his devotion and concern for the family, made every effort to make her stay in Haifa. 1956) was killed in a battle in Abu-Agila, was buried in the Military Cemetery in Sallah, and on 28 October 5757 he was transferred to the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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