Alter, Rachel (“Rochelle”)

Alter, Rachel (“Rochelle”)

Daughter of Chaim and Hasia. She was born in Petah Tikva on June 17, 1942. Rachel completed her studies at the Kfar Sirkin Elementary School and then at the Brenner Municipal High School in Petach Tikvah, and in July 1961 she was drafted into the IDF After her regular service, she joined the regular army and served as a sergeant major, and fell during her duties on the day of Av 5726 (7/19/1966) and was put to rest in the civil cemetery in Petach Tikvah, where she first saw the light of the world. A few months later, her unit, a cultural room at the base, collapsed and named it “Beit Rachel.” The Lod municipality, which adopted the base, called a street from its streets after Rachel.

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