Alpert, Hananiah

Alpert, Hananiah

Son of-Mendel and Russia. Born on October 4, 1946 in Kibbutz Amir, his parents were among the first to settle in the kibbutz in the Hula Valley, where he studied steadily and seriously and completed his elementary and secondary studies at the educational institution there. He was wholeheartedly aware of all the newness of science, and he was very close to his parents, his family, and his friends, and he was completely innocent and calm and honest, he loved the kibbutz and he sympathized with his way of life. He loved agriculture intensely and lately he was occupied by the orchard and its development A professional in this industry and liked physical work even if it is arduous. Drafted into the IDF in November 1964 after serving arranged returned home ready to go on living as before him dreams, aspirations and goals. But his release came on the eve of the Six Day War; A few days later he was called back to the flag, and in the battle that took place at the outskirts of El Arish he fell upon the tank that was hit; This was on the 26th of Iyar 5727 (June 6, 1967), the first day of the battles. He was buried in the military cemetery in Bari and was later transferred to eternal rest in the cemetery at Kibbutz Amir. He did not see the war as a means to solve the country’s security problems, but as he wrote in his letter the day before, they fell: “I think there is no choice but to fight. The commander of his company notes, among other things, his attitude toward peace and his human feelings. He says, for example, when they brought a wounded officer who later died in their arms, Hananiah said, “What are they supposed to die for? The sports hall in the kibbutz is named after Yuval son of-Artzi. The kibbutz took out his inner page (“at home”) and dedicated it to Hananiah; He also published a pamphlet in his memory and in his name. In the booklet “53 of them” in memory of the fallen members of Hakibbutz Hameuchad who fell in the Six Day War, a page was dedicated to his history. In the book “Exposed in the Turret” to Tevet, his name was mentioned. His name was also mentioned in the book “Written in Battle.”

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