Alperon, Reuben

Alperon, Reuben

Son of Haim and Yaffa. Was born on October 12, 1944 in Cairo, Egypt, and immigrated with his family to Israel in 1949. He studied at the elementary school in Givat Shmuel and in a vocational high school. He was a sports fan, especially soccer and volleyball. After graduating he began working as a plumber. Reuven was drafted into the IDF in early February 1963 and completed his regular service unharmed, and was called to active reserve duty on October 5, 1969. Two days earlier, his commander volunteered for dangerous and dangerous work After completing the first day of work, ReuSon of refused to accept a free “night of rest”, as is customary, and to spend him at a nearby post because he said that he was accustomed to working at the top of the embankment, while Adam New would spend precious hours learning, he went on working the next day, and when it got dark again they found the night at the top of the embankment, exposed to the cruel fire. At the end of the night Reuven volunteered to complete the work, and on the third night he volunteered to work exposed to the Egyptian fire, and when his friends were afraid to bring materials to work, he encouraged them and encouraged them. He was put to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, and after his death, ReuSon of was commended by the GOC Southern Command for “showing courage and spirit of volunteerism under enemy fire.” The Defense Minister wrote in a letter of condolence to the widow: “Reuven was a courageous soldier , A model friend and loved by everyone who knew him. ” In an investigation conducted in 2017, it was emphasized that Major General Homer was awarded the Medal of Honor.

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