Alon, David

Alon, David

Son of Meir Anidger and Anet Zakai. He was born in Kibbutz Ein Gev on June 24, 1952. His parents emigrated from Tangier and Morocco in 1952 as part of the Dror group, and his parents moved to Ganossar, Separated from David’s mother, moved to Be’er Sheva, remarried and gave birth to four sons, and in 1957 David moved with his mother and Yitzhak Zakai, her husband, to Kibbutz Mahanayim, in the framework of helping the young kibbutzim. : “Davidi did not call me Father … but he was a real son … Davidi was a model brother … was a loving and devoted son to his mother … Characterized him also strong will power, self-thought. There was hardly anything he had no interest in. When he called Michal, he brought her to our house and she was a daughter of ours. Our loss is great … but in our Lev it will always remain. “David graduated from elementary school in Ginosar, completed high school at Ganossar High School, and was a gifted student active in the fields of society and sport. , Writes the therapist: “Such a kind of child, one with big handsome eyes and full lips and white teeth; A sort of child with everything: a soul of songs, an emotional outpouring on the one hand, and a clowning apart on the other. One such one is both rugged and sleek and also ‘slumber’. One who argues and ends up doing the same. “His friends remember: Yamim gave all his Lev and forgot about the whole world, and the sea connected him with people … The road accident that affected him affected him, the quality of mischief diminished, and the serious attitude towards life increased. During his stay in Europe, he taught at a camp in Italy and was very successful in doing so. He was drafted into the army at the end of 1971. On the 25th anniversary of the Israel Air Force, in July 1973, David was assigned to a unit He was initially disappointed, but after a while he found great interest in the helicopter and began to take pride in his work: “They can not all drop airplanes …,” he told his friend Michal. The end of his military service … was very connected to the landscape of Ginosar. He wanted to be far away to feel that the agriculture was missing, to feel that he wanted to go back there. “His friends remember:” … Last Friday he went into the dining room with Michal … He had the same face, the same big eyes, the same full lips and white teeth, From a child he became an adult … On Saturday the country championship was for individuals. They got up to burn, take a boat. He was sorry for Michal, who had just arrived and was already leaving. I told him: Nothing, tomorrow you come back, and he drove away and did not come back to us. Such a boy, such a boy, and such a tall, handsome fellow, with large black eyes that say so much… So many intertwined intertwined life. So many houses and grasses, and pieces of land form within them the path of his walk, his voice, and so many people curate and preserve his image. “His classmate thinks:” … in the war he saved the lives of many people and they can not even thank him, Because they were unconscious … “And his mother adds:” … When he received certificates to mark his actions, he asked me to hide them – he claimed that everyone did things, and there is no need to mention him and his friends in particular … “David participated in the Yom Kippur War And the evacuation of an airplane crew between Sidon and Beirut on the 29th of Tishrei 5735 (29.9.1974), one year after the warYom Kippur War, he fell in the line of duty. Was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery on Kibbutz Ginosar, on the shores of Lake Kinneret. He was survived by his mother, a stepfather, two brothers in Kibbutz Ginosar – Uzi and Gal – and a father in Be’er Sheva and four brothers. Kibbutz Ginosar, his parents and friends took out a booklet and an album in his memory, including the words of his friends, poems and photographs of nature he liked to observe. Many photographs bring to mind the image of the son, the boyfriend, the brother and the black-eyed boy, who speaks with great vigor and ambition. Letters of condolence were sent to the parents by the members of the Beneat group, from Morocco: “… Whoever raises children in this country and hides their education from his milk and blood, and does not intend to uproot from here … He is strong enough to give his Lev to bereavement, orphans and widows … Will be for the rest of our lives, after the tall and Yaffa young men are gone? ” Michal’s father, Jacques Amir, wrote: “Davidi, the first son of the Nativ group, loved him as a son and not only as a friend of my daughter Michal, and he had a rare treasure of alertness, caring, “Davidi writes to Michal:” They say that if we had a Sabbath every day, we would not have a life, because there was nothing to expect. , Quiet waves and a spirit that combined this conversation of the two of us alone, in an evening that will last almost forever … Sometimes it seems to me that you share a lot of my thoughts … “In his memory Michal Kina wrote:” Dudik, cheerful and smiling people. “Sad, very sad, they say you were killed and I can not believe … I’m still waiting for the door to open and appear …” Davidi’s songs: Soon we will return home / The borders will be quiet / ! Doom in memory of fallen …

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