Alon Avraham Hai Bhavan

Alon Avraham Hai Bhavan

Son of Hannah and Reuven, Alon was born on October 1, 1975 in Jerusalem and grew up in Ramat Eshkol, the son of a family that symbolized love and brotherhood. Alon was a smiling, joyful child whose burning eyes gave him an unusual attraction. Everywhere he went, we would immediately like everything. He began his studies at the Pardes Elementary School in Jerusalem and in the seventh grade he moved with all his classmates to the Ginogli School, where he studied in a Torah-technological class. Alon excelled in sports, liked mostly ball games and at every opportunity dragged his friends to Stenga games, soccer and basketball. He also worked in martial arts – kung fu and karate and persisted for many years. Alon was very active in social life and discovered leadership skills from an early age. In school, as well as in the extended family, he was always at the center of events, organizing events and raising morale. Even as the pride of her family and her indulgent son, he was able to pay attention without depriving anyone, and did not let his head spin from the treatment he had received. Alon developed a deep and deep bond with his father, whom he revered and admired. When the Peace for Galilee War broke out and his father was summoned to report, Alon sent him encouragement. If he heard that the atmosphere in the house had been disturbed or that the relations between the family members had run aground, he immediately arranged to resolve the situation, even if it was far away. Alon lives and breathes the tradition of the fathers of benevolence and giving from the heart, the love of the state and the desire to fight for it, while willing to self-sacrifice. The values ​​he was educated to instill in his Bnei Akiva youth movement, where he guided, and later to his soldiers, whom he commanded. When he completed his high school studies, he chose to study in a new place that was established – the Atzmona pre-military preparatory program in Gush Katif. He chose his choice: “To start something new in an unknown place, to settle the land.” In the preparatory program his personality and personality crystallized and his roots became rooted. Emphasis was also placed on mental and physical preparation for military service. Alon did not limit himself to the fitness training they had undergone in the preparatory course and demanded that they be increased. One of his teachers, Rabbi Tzvi Lifshitz, told him: “As his name is, as strong as Alon, who draws his free will, life materials and great treasures of life from his reservoir of educational and educational groundwater, he grows and suddenly you stand by him and you know, Real field “. In an article for the preparatory paper, Alon wrote: “The process of building trust passes through sensitivity to every detail and concern for all that is lacking.” He should be the “father” and the “mother” – that is, when he has to be angry, he will be angry when he has to help. For the command of the ‘after’ battle, the commander knew that everyone trusted him and went with him. ” Alon’s dream was to serve in the Sayeret Matkal commando unit, and he successfully moved to the final formation, but Hala fought for another opportunity until he was called for a second time. He was drafted into the IDF, passed the course, and at the end was trained as a infantry fighter and was assigned to the Golani Brigade’s 1st Battalion. On trips, to encourage his friends, he would give them sweets. Later, he was sent to a sergeant course and then to officers’ training. Alon served for a short period as an assistant operations officer in Battalion 51 of the Golani Brigade and later as a platoon commander in advance of basic training, and was later assigned to the position of lieutenant colonel in the reserves division. Alon trained his team for immigration to Lebanon, while maintaining safety and discipline. He spent his last time with his team at the Beaufort post. In a conversation with his father about his service, he said: “Every minute in the army is a commandment, and in my battle – a mitzvah of the best.” In his military life as a civilian, Alon became a symbol and a model of a leader. Everyone who came into contact with him was impressed by his seriousness and his human love. “The responsibility is very heavy, but thinking about it is difficult, but the state is important to me, and it is the duty of every soldier to do the best he can,” he said in a newspaper interview. While he was with his staff at Beaufort, Alon tried to teach his soldiers a battle legacy and instill in them the love of the land. Although he came home only once a month, he did not complain and said: “Anyone who wants to be an officer must give.” On the evening of the 28th of Shvat 577 (February 4, 1997), the helicopter disaster occurred when two Yasur helicopters collided over Moshav Shear Yashuv. The seventy-three fighters, who made their way to operational activity in Lebanon, were killed, including Alon. Alon was laid to rest at the Mount Herzl military cemetery in Jerusalem. He was twenty-one years old when he fell. Survived by his parents, two sisters – Tamar and Dikla and two brothers – Erez and Tidhar. After his death he was promoted to lieutenant. In his letter of condolence to the bereaved family, Chief of Staff Amnon Lipkin-Shahak wrote: “Alon served as the commander of a team in the Golani Brigade’s Signal Company and was described by his commanders as a responsible and devoted officer who displayed high motivation for military service. The unit he served in, wrote: “The aspiration for perfection is what motivated Allon in all his ways in the company, and it was she who moved us, commanders and soldiers, to follow him. Alon was the commander of a team with joy and loyalty to his subordinates and commanders. Alon, who fell on his way to an army post in Lebanon, believed that he had to do his best, with determination and professionalism, in order to protect the northern communities where children lived, the love of his life. “The disaster was extensively covered in the press, and Alon’s character was also described, and his family donated a Torah scroll in his name to the Mishkan Yosef synagogue in Givat Ze’ev. In which he studied a new class in his memory, including a library with the books that Alon loved, and his friends in memory of the book “Alon.” The book includes his biography, songs, pictures, letters and articles of his commanders, subordinates and friends. The commander of the company where Alon served, wrote: “I saw Alon in many different situations – harder and less difficult, and I learned from her City special guy, with a desire to succeed in its path. Alon showed interest, curiosity and learning, in order to improve, be better and help friends. … The confidence he has placed on his soldiers and commanders, the feeling that there is someone to rely on, seriousness and devoted work – are Alon. … Alon was beautiful on the outside and inside. “The platoon commander wrote:” It was his obstinacy and determination that made the same connection. “He was not appointed to the post, he took him on his shoulders (literally) at the beginning of a beret, When he spoke, you knew that his mouth and heart were equal, both when he asked one of his famous questions and when he answered the questions, both when he made a serious mistake and when his hands succeeded. His heart also gave him a fair amount of pride … His pride did not go beyond arrogance and condescension, and was justified by self-demand, from the highest … Sometimes I wish myself that I could learn from him a bit about perfection between deeds and heart. ” Friends of Alon’s service and soldiers wrote: “The great loss and sense of loss is something that has never happenedWe did not have to try to understand or deal with them. The feeling sometimes is that the problem is not loss, but us, who did not know and did not know the greatness of the person who worked, who did so much to us – modesty, true humility and constant laughter, but behind those amazing blue eyes stood someone above us, . … Even in the most difficult parts, Alon knew not to make mistakes, he knew how to stop, to think and to consult. Even when they fired at him, he knew how to do everything perfectly, to receive the praise, and none of us knew or heard. In Alon’s case there was no burst of pride or desire to run and “tell the guys.” If he had said anything in praise, it was only after we had forced him to tell, while we would all be proud, even in much smaller and foolish things. … Anyone who came into contact with Alon: friends, family, even just strangers, was impressed, impressed and sometimes even influenced by his own way of life and his love for man. “As the oak tree is strong and stable, and not every common spirit can uproot it, so Alon was strong in character, principles, opinions and his attributes to those around him: the love of the land, the joy of life, the relationship to his family and love for friends.”

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