Allegor, Matityahu

Allegor, Matityahu

Matityahu (Matti), son of Esther and Morris, was born in Cairo, Egypt, on the 18th of Tevet 5709 (18.1.1949), a member of the Karaite Jewish community. When he was only four years old, you were killed by his father. In Cairo he studied for two years in elementary school, and then his widowed mother and her three children immigrated to Israel. At first the family settled in Haifa, where Mati completed his elementary studies at the Kiryat Ye’arim school. Afterward, the family moved to Ashdod-Yam, where he studied for one year at the vocational school “Neurim” and specialized in plumbing. Due to the family’s difficult economic situation – the mother was ill, the grandmother, the mother and the three boys lived in a cramped apartment – Mati was forced to stop his studies and go to work. He began working as a plumber with contractors, and what he earned gave his mother. The harsh childhood did not stop Matthew’s development; he was naturally cheerful, and all difficulties did not affect his healthy character. He liked the company of people and was very popular among his peers, interested in sports and politics, and during his free time he traveled a lot around the country. Matityahu was drafted into the IDF in early February 1967 and assigned to the Armored Corps, where he served as a tank artillery instructor and tank instructor, and was very proud of being a soldier in the Armored Corps and of being in the army during the most interesting years. During the War of Attrition, during the War of Attrition, during the War of Attrition, he was injured in the shelling, but after he recovered he returned immediately to his combat position and did not ask for work in the office.In early February 1970, after he was discharged from regular service and returned to civilian life, he returned to work in plumbing and married his girlfriend Marcel. Moved to Petah Tikva and began to build his home there In 1973, Marcel announced to her Simcha husband that he would become a father, and that the “M” family decided, of course, that the son of the newborn (or daughter) (8.10.1973), during the bitter battle on the Firdan Bridge, his tank was hit during an assault, and when he fell in battle He was brought to eternal rest in the Ashdod cemetery, leaving behind a wife and a daughter, Matanya, who was born after his death. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan wrote: “When was a devoted soldier and an excellent friend? He was loved by everyone who knew him. “The family donated a Torah scroll to his memory, which was placed in the synagogue of Rabbi Anan HaNasi in Ashdod.

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