Alkoshi, Ehud

Alkoshi, Ehud

Ehud, son of Roth and Professor Gedalyahu was born on April 20, 1938, in Jerusalem. was drafted into the IDF at the end of October 1956. : In the preliminary examinations, which were required of the candidates for the corps, a flaw was found in his ability to discern colors, and because of this flaw, his candidacy was rejected. After basic training, and after completing a course for topography instructors, in a course on explosive charges and in a course for tank-tankers, he was assigned to the Armored Corps and became a liaison officer in a tank. He fought in the Sinai War and in the Six-Day War, and was given the “Sinai Sign” and the “Six Day War”. In the years 1962-1962 he studied at the Holon High School of Measurements. He was one of the outstanding students and won a scholarship from the Rotary Club. After completing his studies there, he took the entrance exams to the Technion in Haifa and was accepted to the Faculty of Structural Engineering. He successfully completed his studies at the Technion, and in late 1966 he was awarded the degree of Master of Science – Building Engineer. He later served as a teacher in mathematics and geodesy at the Holon School of Measurements, a few years before he was one of his students. In the years 1969-1970 he continued his studies at the Faculty of Structural Engineering at the Technion, towards his master’s degree, a master’s degree, and was appointed a lucrative assistant. The subject of his study, for the purpose of obtaining the degree, was “Gravitational observations for the purpose of accurate balancing”. During the Yom Kippur War, Ehud participated in the braking battles against the Egyptians on the Sinai front. On the 15th of Tishrei 5734 (October 15, 1973) he fell in the central sector, opposite the Firdan Bridge. A missile hit a tank in which he was a gunner. The tank went up in flames and Ehud was killed. At first he was considered missing, but his body was later identified and he was brought to rest at the Mount Herzl cemetery in Jerusalem. Survived by father, mother, brother and daughter. After his fall, he was promoted to First Sergeant.

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